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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Boy Wizard

I wish I could be more like Harry Potter. I also wish I could marry Harry Potter (I would settle for Daniel Radcliffe), but at the end of the day I would accept being more like the green eyed boy wonder.

Why? Well, for starters he’s frickin’ awesome. But the more important thing is that he has a great deal of courage. Could you see yourself leaving your friends to fight the Dark Lord? I didn’t think so. We all have our own Dark Lords, things that we are afraid of and need to fight to be free. I just wish that I had a little bit of Potter inside of me to fight my Dark Lords.

I’m realizing that I am not a very courageous person. I will gladly go tell someone that what they are doing is wrong, and I’m prepared to fight them in an epic battle (I’m being figurative when I use the word fight, because fighting with someone wouldn’t be very Quaker like…I wonder if there are Quaker wizards?). Anyways, I have found that I’m not very adventurous; I’m not one to fly a car to school because I couldn’t cross through platform 9-¾. I would probably wait to tell my parents, and see if we could sensibly work something out.

But in the words of Dumbledore “It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” So I suppose as long as I have the gumption to stand up to Ron and Hermoine then I have all the courage that I will ever need. I may not be able to fly a Nimbus 2000 with a Hungarian Horn Tail chasing after me, but I can stand up to my friends. I don’t let other people change who I really am—I guess I’m more like Harry Potter then I ever thought.

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