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Thursday, January 20, 2011

random thoughts on a thursday.

This morning I stood in the shower and realized that I love by body because it’s mine and it looks like me and it’s beautiful. Not to mention of course that it does sooo much every day to let me live my life!

Tuesday night I got to talk to a friend I hadn’t talked to in a long time and realized how beautiful it is that, when human spirits connect, time can’t hurt their friendship.

Today I thought about how lucky I am to have grown up with a beautiful example of LOVE in my parents and how grateful I am that my parents are GOOD people.

Reading about my roommate’s passion makes me cry tears of joy and of hope.

It is impossible for me to doubt the existence of something spiritual when I see people GLOW because they love others THAT much.

I have so much love in my life and I am grateful!

Who would’ve thought Vegan CHEESEcake could be so delish?

My sisters are badass. Sometimes I get jealous, until I realize part of their awesomeness is the fact that they are totally different than me. They help me to remember that beauty lies in honestly embracing oneself. They become more beautiful with each passing day because we’re all on a journey to do just that.

I am trying to find faith again.

I have a questionably unhealthy addiction to fashion blogs.

I wonder if it’s inappropriate that I stopped wearing underwear for the vast majority of my life. (Thoughts?)

I love the human spirit and am amazed by all that it can endure while still shining, growing and loving.

This weekend I thought to myself, maybe I should stop looking at why people wouldn’t or shouldn’t love me and look at the ways my friends and family constantly show me they DO love me. Maybe that will free me to express to THEM how much I LOVE them with hesitation or fear.

I was taught recently to give myself permission to feel exactly as I feel and to be exactly as I am and I am happier because of it.

I want to write. I want to dance. I want to sing. I want to learn. I want to cry and hug and embrace the mess that is humanity. (I say mess with a smile on my face because it is something I love and value. See above.) I want to create. I want to grow. I want to love. I am overwhelmed by gratitude for the fact that I have my beautiful LIFE in which to do all these things!

I love you, mt

1 comment:

  1. I am, of course, not in the least bit sorry for helping your addiction. :)

    Also, your blog today prompted me to share this thought: The other day I thought to myself - Are intense sadness and intense happiness the same? (I should mention that I thought this while worried about a certain someone who had to have another MRI today.) But I love so much, the thankfulness and the fear mix together sometimes, and it all feels like one very intense passion for life. Am I merely protecting myself? Or could both come from the same place?

