Strength. What to talk about? Currently these are the things that have popped into my head:
You play ball like a girl.
Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine.
I’m strong to the finich, cause I eats me spinach.
I think I will go with the last one because A) I am a girl, so I do play ball like one…maybe not, but I’ll pretend; B)I’d rather drink Chocolate Soy Milk. When was the last time you saw Ovaltine?; C) I heart Spinach. It is magical: you can grow spinach twice a year in the early summer and early fall, it comes in baby form, it is filled with iron and I am not. IT COMPLETES ME.
I became a vegetarian my first year of college. I have not had a slab of beef since my senior year of high school. The thought of steak in my face disgusts me. I would rather eat Brussels sprouts, which is saying a lot considering the fact that when my mom cooks the sprouts and I am forced to take part in the feast, I usually drench the miniature cabbages with A1 sauce, which is a tad ironic, I admit.
Why did I become a veggie, you ask? I just started to feel bad. Watch Food, Inc. and get back to me. Debeaking chicks isn’t acceptable in my book, unless the chicks are in marshmallow form, then you can do whatever you want with them—enjoy magnifying their size in the microwave, I know you want to. Pigs are one of the smartest animals (along with dauphins …I’m watching you Japan), and yet they are treated the worst. Both pigs and dauphins happen to be on my top ten fav. animal list because we are similar on the intelligence scale, since we are both one of the smartest of our kind.
There was one problem with becoming a vegetarian. Apparently, I was already low on iron. I should have listened to my high school teacher when she tried to force anemia onto me, despite the fact that the Red Cross nurse said I was not anemic. Being denied to give blood three times should have been a sign. I have always enjoyed my leafy greens. I love me some chickpeas/garbanzo beans. I never thought that in reality I am anemic.
Basically my iron levels dropped a significant amount during my time spent as a vegetarian, think close to zero. Now after multiple blood tests I am forced to eat meat. I draw the line at fish and chicken. Eating slaughtered animal is not something I am happy about, but at what point do we sacrifice our own strength and well-being. Obviously something was wrong since I would wake up and an hour later feel exhausted, since I would have moments when I felt like I was going to collapse or hit my head on the wall from dizziness.
It seems selfish to consider my own health over the life of innocent creatures, but I was only given this one body. Sometimes you need to think of yourself before you think of others. You need to be strong so that you can continue to fight for those who have no voice. I had no strength in me. I felt weak.
My word of wisdom: Always act with the best interest of your body in mind. Eat spinach like it’s your job. It worked for Popeye. Hopefully it will work for me too.
P.S. I hope you all know that I was kidding about my genius. I’m not really that full of myself, I just like to run my mouth.
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