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Monday, October 25, 2010

putting myself in the box

Last time I wrote about how I didn't like being labeled, but throughout my life I have been (and sometimes still am) guilty of labeling myself. Or, allowing the labels I was presented with to direct my life. In the eighth grade I went to an all boys school with a dress code, one of those schools where you had to wear ties. Of course my friends and I being the wicked cool badasses we were would push this dress code as far as we could just to show 'the man'. We'd show up with ripped black pants, or we would have our shirts untucked and ties loosened. You know, like cool kids. We called ourselves non-conformists and didn't appreciate the irony until years later... I find it pretty funny now.

In college I was labeled a "stoner" because my roommate sold marijuana. I fought the name for awhile but eventually gave in because it was easy and I just didn't care. I fell into the lifestyle and fulfilled the title I was given. I am glad for the friendship that came from our living together but I regret some of what I did. My point is I shouldn't have let what people thought of me define what I thought of myself. I let what I thought everyone was thinking dictate my choices. I don't like when people make decisions for me and thats what I did by allowing that to happen.

I strongly dislike when I am compared with a stereotype, even if it is something I am like. I am me, and I cannot be confined in the box, when I find myself putting myself in it it is just as bad as someone calling me "hippie" or "stoner" I am neither of those, I am Three Feathers and I refuse to be a name. I am so much more than that, and so are you. You are you, and when you find that person in the mirror telling you who you are, just take a minute and see if there is more to the story.

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