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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"They say compassion is a virtue, but I don't have the time" - Talking Heads

I’m in a funk. At least that is what I have been saying. Not like in a get funky with it funk. But like a blah funk. I believe my funk stems from this question: At what point do you stop worrying about others, and worry about yourself? Lately I’ve felt encompassed by the level of compassion I’m called to show for the people around me. Almost every day I drop what I am doing to listen to their life traumas. And it’s bringing me down. I take everything I am told, and it becomes my concern. I too become over whelmed, just like the person who is confiding in me. I’m just trying to be a compassionate person, but is there a point where you can become to compassionate?

I feel like I need a release.

I need some Ponyboy time.

I need to be compassionate towards myself.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t feel compassion for others. In fact, one of the things I like about myself is that I am compassionate, my tears flow. I just feel overwhelmed. Because I am not being compassionate towards myself, I cannot fully be compassionate for other people. I’m at this state of exhaustion, where I’ve lost all emotions. NOT. GOOD.

I think most of these emotions stem from the fact that I feel like nothing I do or say is making a difference—basically, I’m frustrated. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for those who confide in me, but nothing I can say guides them towards that light.

So I need to guide myself towards that light.

I think we all need to guide ourselves to that light. Embark on your journey towards inner compassion. Let me know how it goes.

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